Ageas and the Capricorn Digital Growth Fund have together invested € 1.8 million in the Belgian start-up company Trensition, allowing the company to scale up its Trendtracker platform towards a worldwide SaaS offering.

Trensition is a B2B AI-driven strategic intelligence company that has built a platform fuelled by big data and in-house AI models to provide tailored trend insights to corporate clients, government entities and consultants. Since its launch in 2019, Trensition has continued to grow its platform and international customer base, providing AI-driven trend insights.

Capital injection to accelerate growth and further develop capabilities

Trensition is on a mission to bring cutting-edge AI-driven strategic insights into the boardroom of companies. With several large international organisations already using the platform, it has proven to answer a clear market need and is ready to scale up.

This new capital injection will accelerate Trensition’s international growth and enable continuous innovation of its platform’s AI capabilities. It will also allow Trensition to expand the team that can bring Trensition to the next level.

For further reading please go to Capricorn’s or Trensition’s website.