Private Equity Awards

Our aim is to reward and celebrate high-performing Belgian companies that are backed by a private equity or venture capital investor, thus highlighting private equity as an asset class supporting the development and growth of Belgian businesses. By creating three award categories, we reflect the three major archetypes in our industry; Venture, Growth and Buy-out. The direct financial return for the private equity investor does not constitute the decisive factor for selecting the award winners.

The jury is hard at work to decide which of the nominees will end up on the shortlist. More information soon!

Award categories

Venture company of the year, defined as a company backed by a venture capital firm, where the investment was primarily aimed at developing an innovative product or service, at scaling-up the company or accelerating the go-to-market process;

Growth company of the year, defined as a company backed by a private equity firm, typically through a minority investment, that is looking to expand and improve operations or enter new markets in order to accelerate its growth;

Buy-out company of the year, defined as a company backed by a private equity firm holding a majority or a controlling stake, and financed through a mix of equity and debt.

Nomination and selection process

  • A long-list of companies, nominated by the BVA members and selected industry observers, is compiled by the BVA (April-May)
  • The jury selects three nominees in each award category (June)
  • Each nominee completes a concise company presentation template (July-August) and the CEO gives an in person presentation to the jury, who elects the winner in each category (September)
  • The name of the winners are disclosed at the occasion of BVA Awards Ceremony & Cocktail (October)

Judging criteria

The jury will be asked to assess the awards against the following criteria.

For the Growth and Buy-out Company of the Year:

  • Building an attractive, distinctive business which stands out from others in its sector;
  • Skilled execution of particular projects, including product innovation, acquisition, capital investment, international expansion, marketing innovation;
  • Evidence of great and authentic leadership, including development of a strong, progressive culture and wider contribution to society;
  • Overall evidence of growth, including profit growth and returns on exit.
  • Incorporating the consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance factors alongside financial factors in the business activities, hence contributing to sustainable value creation for society at large.

For the Venture Company of the Year:

  • Particular focus on bringing to market new and high impact innovations;
  • Evidence of skill in the way innovations have been translated into products, for example partnerships, regulatory hurdles overcome, technical challenges navigated;
  • Financial success to be judged not by reference to profitability: external validation still essential but more likely to be by revenue growth, significant contracts and external investment from respected investors at increasing valuations;
  • Incorporating the consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance factors alongside financial factors in the business activities, hence contributing to sustainable value creation for society at large.