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After the ESG sessions on “Legislation (the what?)” and “Data collection and reporting (the how?)”  we are pleased to announce our third session on “Becoming a more sustainable company (the how?, part 2)”.

In this session we will focus on how to effectuate real change towards more sustainability, both at portfolio level and at investor level.

The following three guest speakers will share their insights and experiences with us:

  • Margot Varache, Sustainability Senior Manager, Reporting 21, a leading ESG data monitoring platform, backed by robust expertise in sustainability transformations.
  • Nathalie Draux, CEO, Quality Assistance S.A., a leading European Contract Research Organisation  providing the pharmaceutical industry with all the analytical services required by EMA and  FDA regulations for the development and marketing of innovative human medicinal products. Quality Assistance is a BNP Paribas portfolio company.
  • Laëtitia Baret, Head of Brand Positioning, Efficy, a leading European customer relationship management (CRM) company that provides organisations of all sizes with powerful, easy-to-use, and scalable solutions to help them grow smarter. Efficy is a Fortino Capital portfolio company.

Nathalie Draux and Laetitia Baret will give us some insights in the ESG journey of their companies, Margot Varache will give us an insight on how to bring change on the ESG level, the do’s and the don’ts.