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During this Academy, venture capital professionals will guide you through the legal parts of the investment cycle, from deal flow to exit.



08:45-09:15 – Welcome and Registration

09:15-10:45 – Christoph Michiels and Henri-Simon Vande Vyver – Partner and Senior Associate at Deloitte Legal
Managing the exit upfront: funding, managing risk and protecting valuation. How to strike the balance. How to Integrate the economics in legal documentation: valuation, anti-dilution, liquidation preference, convertibles

Be prepared to learn more about the legal insights of structuring a VC investment in Belgium: what are the key drivers from a founder and investor’s point of view and how can legal play a role in striking the balance between these different stakeholders and ultimately facilitate their path to growth. The Deloitte Legal team will share its experience in this field based on real life examples giving you a better understanding of the key drivers in structuring and negotiating investment documentation.

10:45-11:15 – Coffee Break

11:15-12:45 – Tessa Gijbels and Valérie Verstraeten – Partner and Senior Associate at Four & Five

IP Protection

Tessa and Valérie dive with you into the protection and enforcement of IP rights. What conditions must be met in order to obtain protection under copyright, trademark, design and patent law? What if the IP rights are created by employees or subcontractors? How can IP rights be transferred or licensed and what are the ‘ins and outs’ in this regard? What actions to take if someone infringes on your IP rights? Why is IP due diligence important in the context investments?

12:45-14:15 – Lunch Break

14:15-15:45 – Pieter Capiau and Wim Van Berendoncks – Partners at Cambrian

Founder vesting, leaver provisions, management incentives

Pieter and Wim delve into the dynamic world of incentives crucial for startup and scale-up success. This session aims to provide invaluable insights into optimizing founder vesting, founder alignment, preempting founder issues by crafting effective leaver provisions, and designing compelling management incentives.

15.45 Drinks