Digit Mint

"Digit Mint's software enables the following:

- Double materiality assessments: in line with CSRD our software easily identifies the right topics to assess and engages efficiently with your stakeholders. All while making sure you get your auditable & compliant report at the end.

- CSRD reporting: Once the scope of your ESG reporting, in line with CSRD, has been defined, our software guides, assists and provides a collaborative platform for companies to bring all reporting data together. The creation, audit & repeatability becomes thus much easier.

- Calculations: Our visually very intuitive calculation module can calculate, based on latest scientific data, the impact of your product, activity or business. We can measure GHG emission, to impact on human health all the way to eco-toxicity. "

Contact person: jens.verhiest@digitmint.eu

Website: https://www.digitmint.eu/

Focus: Carbon accounting, Regulatory framework, Reporting

Geography: Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain