Capricorn Partners, the Leuven-based independent manager of venture capital and equity funds, announces the final closing of its Capricorn Digital Growth Fund securing € 84.5 million of commitments.

In the final closing on February 28th, 2022 additional investors joined the Capricorn Digital Growth Fund and some investors upped their commitment. Existing investor Quest for Growth committed an additional € 5 million to the fund in the final closing.

Other strategic investors next to Quest for Growth are AG Insurance, PMV, SFPI-FPIM and Aconterra Fund. Prof. Bart De Moor is the independent Chairman of the Capricorn Digital Growth Fund.

Capricorn Digital Growth Fund is looking for investment opportunities emerging from turning data into actionable insights using AI, Digital Twin, IoT and data science technologies. Its main focus is on applications in digital health and business 4.0. Digital health encompasses health related software solutions and connected medtech devices. Business 4.0 addresses digital processing of all business functions across all industry sectors covering Industry 4.0, proptech and the digital enterprise. The geographical focus is Europe with special attention to the Benelux, Capricorn’s home market.

So far, four investments have been made out of the Capricorn Digital Growth Fund. Indigo Diabetes (Ghent, BE) and DEO (Genk, BE) are active on the digital health side, whereas EclecticIQ (Amsterdam, NL) and Gradyent (Rotterdam, NL) are in the business 4.0 area.

For further reading, please go to Capricorn’s website.